buildings in Freshwater, west wight.
Our customers commissioned us to design and implement the new borders of this gravel driveway.
Warren spent time researching a dry river bed brief, and carefully choose combinations of plants to not only look great but also perform functions.
72 box hedging plants were deployed to form a formal edge to the driveway and act as a visual guide to traffic. Gaps left in the hedge keep the design fresh and innovative.
A combination of appropriate plants, beach rocks, cobbles and pebbles has successfully linked the renovated buildings to the local area and shore. A change in aggregate size and colour emphasizes the route to the bedroom door.
The photographs here show a happy combination of plants, offering some privacy with the black stem Bamboo and Pennisetum with its bearded bristles; disguising necessary down pipes with Hebe watsons pink, Artemsia indoviciana with its aromatic silvery leaves, and Nepeta and Myosotis to scrawl across the stones.
In order to create a low maintenance project we spent time feeding and digging in moisture retentive local horse manure, covered the ground in a weed suppressing membrane, installing a leaky hose timed watering system, and mulched the area with pebbles.