• Gardening On The Isle Of Wight
  • Naturally Beautiful
  • Sustainable Urban Drainage
  • Mychorrhizal Fungi
  • Planting For Wildlife
  • Compost Bays Made From Local Materials
  • Local & Sustainable
  • Re-using Materials
  • Friends & Foes
  • Allowing Plants To Set Seed
  • We Were The First Corporate Isle Of Wight Wildlife Trust Investors
  • Organic & Ethical Team Uniforms

Our Philosophy

C.A.R. Gardens will always seek to enrich and care for the environments that we are privileged to work in. The Isle of Wight is a wonderful Island and we want to see it stay that way. We aim to achieve this by designing, landscaping and gardening responsibly and with sustainability in mind. We are environmentally aware and this is important to us, but we are not ‘know it alls’, nor ‘holier than thou’; so please do have a chat with us to discuss ideas that maybe right for you.

To speak to us call our office on 01983 597935.

Our environmental position:

We continue to research and trial new and better ways to implement our philosophy.

We endeavour to recycle and reuse as much of our created waste, minimising the amount to landfill.

We support local business and trades if economically viable and if retaining the necessary quality.

We wear organic and ethically produced T-shirts and Sweatshirts.

We donate a percentage of our profit to deserving causes.

We were the first corporate investors of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust in 2008.

Naturally caring for the Island:

We can advise on gardening organically and veganically and we encourage the use of veganic methods.

We can advise on materials that are from sustainable resources.

We can advise on exterior grade timber that may not require further treatments.

We can advise on systems for effective water conservation in the garden.

We can advise on driveways and front gardens that minimise their impact on the environment.

We can offer solutions for natural boundaries in place of traditional panel fencing, such as planting.

We encourage the recycling of green waste by composting.

Bio-diversity and wildlife:

We can advise on plants and habitats that will attract beneficial insects, birds and mammals.

We encourage bio-diversity in the garden, both in plant and animal species.

We can supply and install l wildlife habitats, such as bird, bat, insect, butterfly and bee boxes.

We have experience and success with installing and maintaining wild flower meadows.

We are experienced with installing ponds and water features.

We like to use natural, traditional methods and products within the garden, with a view to minimising our impact on the environment and the wildlife.


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