Town Garden in Ryde.

A private garden in Ryde, with views to the sea.

Please click on the thumbnails below to enlarge.



  • Garden design and planting plan.
  • Large pond and reclaimed rockery water fall.
  • Raised vegetable beds built with local Cedar.
  • Espalier fruit trees posts and wire supports.
  • Fruit cage, compost bays and water butts.
  • Lawn laid and under-planted with wild daffodils, tulips and crocus.
  • Stepping stone paths, reclaimed bricks laid as edging.
  • A large pergola walkway framing the view to the sea.
  • Wildlife habitats made by Haylands Farm.
  • Hedging, trees and perennial planting.


Beryl said: “Thanks so much to you and the team for your help and hard work. It was a pleasure to work with you all and the result is even better than I’d anticipated. I just know the garden is going to bring me a great deal of pleasure for many years”.
