We’ve been short-listed for the Isle of Wight NHS Trust Awards 2016 for our horticultural, design and organic maintenance services. We’ve been designing, landscaping and gardening for the hospital since 2008, and last year saw us involved in supporting a number of volunteer gardeners. The phrase ‘going the extra mile’ is part of the infrastructure of the hospital, and these awards are a way of celebrating such works and people.
PLEASE VOTE FOR US and the gardening VOLUNTEERS at St Mary’s hospital on the Isle of Wight. Voting is open to all and can be done on line following these links:
Category E (Four Seasons: Dementia sensitive garden): a garden we helped the mental health department design for free, and subsequently built and now help with its maintenance.
Category I (Working with gardening volunteers): since 2008 we have discussed the possibilities of volunteers helping with the gardens, and involving patients and staff outdoors. Last year saw the hospital making good head way with this:
If there are any Doctors reading this- how about prescribing gardening to your patients- its good for your health!
VOTING CLOSES Midnight Thursday 10TH MARCH.
THANKYOU for your support!