‘Views from a gardener’- a new photo album on our Facebook page

We’re creating a new photo album on our Facebook page. Its called ‘Views from a gardener’ and it will be a catalogue of  images that our gardeners have snapped along their way. Some of them will seem unseasonal perhaps, or maybe challenge the gardening text books, whilst others we may post for their pure beauty alone.

After all, we all deserve to have time to observe and appreciate what is great in life, don’t we? Gardens and plants are part of this for us.

We welcome you to visit our Facebook page, to take a look at our photographs and if you feel the urge you can tell us what you think too.

You can find the album and others here:  http://www.facebook.com/CAR-Gardens/

Heres a taster of recent photos taken by C.A.R. Gardens gardener Sam:


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